Depuration under different salinities was used to reduce the human pathogen Vibrio vulnificus from
Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Individual recirculating systems were used to test the efficacy of
depuration at three salinities (15, 25, and 35 psu) in four independent trials during a 14 day period. Initial
loads of V. vulnificus were higher than 10,000 MPN/g of oyster meat in all trials. Data showed that 25 and
35 psu treatments were more efficient in reducing V. vulnificus numbers than 15 psu with an overall
reduction of >3 logs. A significant decrease in MPN/g was observed as early as day 6 and further
reductions were observed at day 10, while longer depurations did not improve efficacy. Only the highest
salinity (35 psu) was capable of reducing V. vulnificus numbers to the FDA recommended level of