Pros of Renewable Energy
There are a lot of points in favor of renewable energy. The fact that they use resources that are considered to be infinite is only the most obvious one. Here are 7 other pros of renewable energy.
1. Stable Energy Prices: Increase or decrease in supply of fossil fuels has a direct result on inflation. Cost of producing energy from renewable energy sources is dependent on the amount of money that has been spent on the infrastructure and not on the inflated cost of natural resource, which clearly means we can expect much more stable prices when bulk of energy is coming from renewable sources.
2. Continual Source of Energy: Many of the plans for renewable energy stations are focused on their capacity to provide an immediate and continual source of energy to an area. There is very little conversion that needs to be done to take electricity from a solar or wind generator and use it. Sun is going to shine for another billion years. That means solar energy is renewable and sustainable. Moving water and strong winds will continue to supply constant source of energy.
3. Reliability: If the sun always rises and the wind always blows, the reliability of renewable energy types can far exceed that of fossil fuels. When a fossil fuel source runs dry the whole process has to be moved. Once in place, many of the renewable energy stations have a constant – and permanent – source of fuel. Unlike fossil fuels, where supply can be affected by wars, strikes, trade disputes and political instabilities, renewable energy sources don’t come with such cons. Sun shines and wind blows everywhere and each country can tap that energy to produce clean energy on large scale.
4. Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Almost all of the renewable energy plans emphasize that they have a much lower carbon footprint that any of the fossil fuel options available. Renewable energy sources make the environment healthier as they do not pollute it with Co2 and other toxic gases that are produced by fossil fuels. Apart from that, they are not going to reduce our natural resources which can be conserved for a long time.