4. Model of Integration
The various measures for planning the on-site generation in
the production planning and control arise from the different
categories of power plants and energy storages. The
constantly adapting process of production planning has a time
horizon of up to one year, in which the planning keeps being
updated in greater detail in terms of shorter time frames and
patterns [15]. When it comes to production control, processes
can be detected that provide more and more details as time
goes by. Even the integration of obtaining the energy into the
production planning and control follows this principle. A first
assessment of the energy demand is carried out twelve months
in advance using a monthly pattern, a second assessment with
an hourly pattern follows then only a few days ahead of
production [7]. In case of covering the identified demand by
using on-site generation instead of the public supply, these
time patterns serve as guidelines when integrating on-site
generation and power storages into the planning processes.
Figure 4 shows the procedure of this integration, comprising
the aforementioned energy plans that contain information on
the expected amount of energy production.