The interviewees
The qualitative research involved 44 bureaucrats. Table 1 gives a description of the case-study
individuals based on their regional branches and professional roles.
Table 1
Distribution of interviewees by regional branch and role
Type of regional branch Operators Director Total
Workers department Companies department
Metropolitan branch 5 5 1 11
Central branch 5 4 1 10
Northern branch 5 6 1 12
Southern branch 6 4 1 11
Total 21 19 4 44
The research involved 25women out of 44 interviewees and only one of thesewas a manager. The mean
age of the sample was 47 years (range 31–64 years), which is typical of the whole INAIL organization
(13,070 employees with a mean age in 2007 of 45.7 years). Twenty-three interviewees out of 44 have a
graduate degree (10 law school; 7 business school; 6 political sciences school). Finally, the subject of
training are consistent with the Italian bureaucrats’ administration-legal and economic training.