2. Experimental
2.1. Materials
1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium methanesulfonate [emim]CH3SO3 of
puriss Grade was procured from Aldrich, Germany and was used as
purchased as the purity assay of the salt was ≥98.0%. All the solvents
of spectroscopic grade were procured from Sd. Fine Chemicals. The
purity of the solvents was N99.5%. The solvents were dried using standard
methods [2].
2.2. Apparatus and procedure
A stock solution for the electrolyte was prepared by mass (Mettler
Toledo AG285 with uncertainty ±0.0003 g), and the working solutions
were obtained by mass dilution at 298.15 K. The uncertainty of the
molarity of different solutions was evaluated to ± 0.0001 mol dm−3
The density was measured by means of vibrating-tube Anton Paar
density-meter (DMA 4500M) with a precision of ±0.0005 g cm−3
. It
was calibrated by double-distilled water and dry air.
The viscosity was also measured with the help Brookfield DVIII Ultra
Programmable Rheometer with spindle size-42 fitted to a Brookfield
Digital Bath TC-500.