1. Hidden Power Outlet
Just how cool is this !
A vertical hide-able power outlet to keep it simple and convenient. This can be great for your work table too.
Price : 45$
2. Power Dock
One station to charge your 5 gadgets at a time !
This can make up great gift especially for teens !
Price $90
Outlets that pop out and then push back in for a clean look. The snap in system fits in existing electrical boxes for fast easy instal. 32 finishes to choose from. Would be great for a tiled backsplash/kitchen area. The Adorne Collection by Legacy
1. Mylight.me
Light When You Need It
The mylight collection is a series of innovative LED-light products designed to enhance one´s lifestyle — delivering comfort and safety in your home. The mylight is motion activated and turns on and off when you need it so no more fumbling for switches at night. It provides a soft indirect light for night time use.
price 80$
2. Energy Curtain – Providing Shade and Light
The Energy Curtain is a novel and attractive alternative for a window blind. Using special solar-energy collecting cells on the outer side of the blind, the blind stores up energy during the day. Then at night, you can have the blinds glowing to provide you with free lighting. However, the blinds do need to be down during the day time in order to charge up.
3. creative faucets
Drawing inspiration from surface ripples, the Water Ball Ripples Faucet creates a strong visual relationship between the two. On top of the frosted ripple surface sits a metal ball. An array of electromagnetic sensors detects that ball's position. Moving the ball in or out from the center controls water pressure. Moving it around controls temperature. The surface glows red or blue to denote how hot or cold it is. The two separate channels combine the hot and cold water to get the perfect mix.
Outlets that pop out and then push back in for a clean look. The snap in system fits in existing electrical boxes for fast easy instal. 32 finishes to choose from. Would be great for a tiled backsplash/kitchen area. The Adorne Collection by Legacy