A CD1.20 Networking is an essential way of establishing good business
relationships. Listen to the first conversation and say whether these
statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1 Howard Clark’s company is probably less successful this year than last year.
2 Howard’s company does not have time to redesign the website itself.
3 Judy Masters thinks that Howard will have no problems contacting Martin Englemann.
B CD1.21 Listen to the second, telephone conversation, then answer these
1 Why does the website need redesigning?
2 How does Martin Engelmann react to Howard’s offer to redesign the website?
C N ow listen to both conversations again and complete these extracts.
1 Hello. Haven’t we somewhere before?
2 Maybe I could there. I know someone who’s a top-class
web designer […] I’m sure he’d be interested. Why him?
3 Great. You haven’t got his phone number, ?
4 Yep … 07825 300646. Can I your name when I call him?
5 OK, I’ll him. Thanks very much .
6 I was your name by Judy Masters.
7 I was wondering … well … would you be in helping us to redesign it?
8 Can I suggest at our office, say, at the end of the month?
D Work in pairs and role-play these two situations.
1 The US owner of an up-market chain of restaurants phones a Canadian supplier of
shellfish. The supplier was recommended by a friend of the owner.
2 A conference entitled ‘Entry strategies for overseas markets’ gives participants an
opportunity to do some networking.
Student A: Turn to page 133.
Student B: Turn to page 142.