Currently there are many different languages around the world, but English is the language, who know?? Those who don't know English. Everyone must learn English because it is the formal language of the world. Some people think English is difficult but truly learn easily. English is very important to all of us. We use English to benefit.
The current use of English is the language to communicate with each other around the world because it is the formal language of the world on the Internet as well. English still is the main language of the Internet. English is important to everyone. Everyone must learn English. Some people think English is difficult, but in fact easy because there is simply 26 characters. Learning English starting from listening, viewing the understanding easier. Soon, Thailand will into the ASEAN and learn English. Because the benefits, can increase the chance of get a good job and earn more. Learning the language. To help achieve proud to study and understand new language, learn the new culture of the country through language. Not in England or the United States alone. Also new friends foreigners and add a good relationship prosperous trade with other countries.
English is important to us and a lot of useful, we should learn English and use it as a power in the progression of life use English well. There doesn't have to our nation.