1You fight more often than not. Though fighting occasionally can be a healthy and productive way to communicate and resolve conflict, if you feel like you spend half of your time with your significant other engaged in fights that don't go anywhere, then it may be a sign that your relationship is over. If you're fighting just for the sake of fighting, or if fighting is the only way you communicate, then your relationship may be reaching its expiration date. Here are some signs than your fights are getting out of control:
If you pick fights all the time. If you find yourself or your significant other picking fights over completely inconsequential things just to get rid of some negative energy, then it's a sign that you're just out to hurt each other.
If you're always fighting. Pay attention to how much of your time together is wasted on fighting. Small fights once or twice a week can come up, but if you see that you spend more time fighting than you do having fun, sharing ideas, or just having a healthy conversation, then you have a problem.
1You fight more often than not. Though fighting occasionally can be a healthy and productive way to communicate and resolve conflict, if you feel like you spend half of your time with your significant other engaged in fights that don't go anywhere, then it may be a sign that your relationship is over. If you're fighting just for the sake of fighting, or if fighting is the only way you communicate, then your relationship may be reaching its expiration date. Here are some signs than your fights are getting out of control:
If you pick fights all the time. If you find yourself or your significant other picking fights over completely inconsequential things just to get rid of some negative energy, then it's a sign that you're just out to hurt each other.
If you're always fighting. Pay attention to how much of your time together is wasted on fighting. Small fights once or twice a week can come up, but if you see that you spend more time fighting than you do having fun, sharing ideas, or just having a healthy conversation, then you have a problem.
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