The “31” Strategy: The “31” strategy is another play that has many variations. Instead of relying on one win to get you back in the black it relies on two. The “31” Strategy takes its name from the total number of units required to play the series. The progression pre-supposes that you will not have a streak of six consecutive losses.
The betting series is as follows:
1 – 1 – 1 – 4 – 8 – 16
Begin by betting one unit. If it wins you parlay your winnings and bet again. If it loses your next bet is one unit. If you have three consecutive losses your fourth bet is four units. If that bet wins you begin the progression again. If it loses your fifth bet is eight units. If it wins you begin the progression again. If it loses your sixth bet is sixteen units.
While many players have good success with this strategy, remember that any progression that calls for increasing your bets on a loss carries a high risk to your bankroll.