The ash content of the jams ranged from 0.12 g/100 g to
0.25 g/100 g which is comparable to that of pineapple, jackfruit
and mango jams (0.15–0.49 g/100 g) (Eke-Ejiofor and
Owuno, 2013; Kansci et al., 2003). Apricot jam had the highest
ash content while the blueberry jam had the lowest and the differences
were found to be statistically significant. The findings
were comparable to the ash content of apricot jam (0.2 g/
100 g) (FSANZ, 2010; Sartaj et al., 2011). Generally, low ash
content indicates that all of the jams analyzed are not a rich
source of minerals.
The ash content of the jams ranged from 0.12 g/100 g to0.25 g/100 g which is comparable to that of pineapple, jackfruitand mango jams (0.15–0.49 g/100 g) (Eke-Ejiofor andOwuno, 2013; Kansci et al., 2003). Apricot jam had the highestash content while the blueberry jam had the lowest and the differenceswere found to be statistically significant. The findingswere comparable to the ash content of apricot jam (0.2 g/100 g) (FSANZ, 2010; Sartaj et al., 2011). Generally, low ashcontent indicates that all of the jams analyzed are not a richsource of minerals.
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