Use music as a partner and an aid in the learning process. Always be sensitive to the existing mood in the classroom, and respect it. Music can increase students energy level, their existing level, or bring it down. If a sensitive, emotional process just took place, avoid music or use low-volume, low-key music thatches the mood. If a high-energy activity took place, be ready with upbeat, high energy music to match the mo Music should serenade and ite (and maybe provide an occasional nudge). It should never intrude
How Much Music Is Ideal?
Assuming that you are not a music teacher (in which case, music would be the focus), use music sparingly. The more you use it, the more likely students are to habituate to it. They'll get tired of your songs and start ignoring you. Be strategic In any given hour, I might bave music on for 10 to 30 percent of the time. The selections I use the most are instrumentals that play during seatwork. If you find yourself flustered and caught guard by not having your next music se of them. Iess sign. You be talking or lecturing too much. Remember, more in small of you. When students are working independent th partners, or groups. use the time to plan the next piece of music
Practical solutions for using music
Be flexible and listen to your students. If they want to bring it is compatible two requirements. First, you have to preview it to ensure that when and with the values of your classroom. Second, you decide how to use it. Take advantage of the Internet; you can Google the name of the song, along with the word lyrics, and get the lyrics in seconds. If you don't like the music, don't play it but tell the student who suggested it that you appreciate he suggestion, and ask for other choices. The key is to maintain your relationship with your students; use music as a bridge, not as a way to emphasize differences n taste. Have fun with it. Music is a great team builder