1. how do you feel about light housework? and simple meal preparations? like for matthew food, sometimes we adult eat the same - would you be able to prepare the same for us, just a larger portion
2. are you ok with working at night and early in the morning? - with the new infant, it would be great help, if you can bottle feed him sometimes at night and early in the morning
3. what kind of educational activities are you planning to attend when you are here?
4. how often do you plan to travel/socialize? will you bring friends over, and expect to have a car?
5. what do you like to to at your leisure time here in the USA?
6. do you know how to ride bike and are you comfortable with taking public transportation alone? (bus, train)
7. how do you approach a toddler who is throwing a tantrum publicly and privately?
8. how do you respond to instructions, are you a quick learner or do things need to be repeated to you and/or written down? are you ok with instructions being changed and amended occasionally?