Mutations in the ABD, C2, helical, and kinase domains of p110a are observed with high frequency in
cancers. All mutations tested show enhanced enzymatic activity. The structure of the p110a/niSH2 and the H1047R mutant show the location of these
cancer-associated mutations in the PI3Ka structure, (Figs. 3and 4). In tumors, Arg38 and Arg88 are frequently mutated in the ABD domain. The mutations most
commonly present at these positions include Arg38Cys, Arg38His, and Arg88Gln (Fig. 4). Before the
structure of the p110a/p85a became available, these mutations were proposed to break the interaction
of the ABD with the iSH2 domain of p85. However, the structure of the p110a/niSH2, as well as the
structure of the complex ABD/iSH2, showed that residues 38 and 88 of ABD are not at the ABD/iSH2
interface . The structure of the p110a/niSH2 complex
showed that these residues occur at an interface between the ABD and the kinase domain in which the
two ABD residues are at H-bonding distance from residues in the kinase domain: Arg38 is hydrogen
bonded to Gln 738 and Asp743, and Arg88 is hydrogen bonded to Asp746. It was proposed that mutation
of either arginine residue would disrupt the corresponding H-bond. Loss of any one of these H-bonds
due to the mutations might change the conformation of the kinase domain in a way that affects the
enzymatic activity. An equally likely possibility is that the weakening of the ABD/iSH2 interaction will
change the orientation of the iSH2 so that the nSH2 will be dislodged, relieving inhibition
Mutations in the ABD, C2, helical, and kinase domains of p110a are observed with high frequency incancers. All mutations tested show enhanced enzymatic activity. The structure of the p110a/niSH2 and the H1047R mutant show the location of thesecancer-associated mutations in the PI3Ka structure, (Figs. 3and 4). In tumors, Arg38 and Arg88 are frequently mutated in the ABD domain. The mutations mostcommonly present at these positions include Arg38Cys, Arg38His, and Arg88Gln (Fig. 4). Before thestructure of the p110a/p85a became available, these mutations were proposed to break the interactionof the ABD with the iSH2 domain of p85. However, the structure of the p110a/niSH2, as well as thestructure of the complex ABD/iSH2, showed that residues 38 and 88 of ABD are not at the ABD/iSH2interface . The structure of the p110a/niSH2 complexshowed that these residues occur at an interface between the ABD and the kinase domain in which thetwo ABD residues are at H-bonding distance from residues in the kinase domain: Arg38 is hydrogenbonded to Gln 738 and Asp743, and Arg88 is hydrogen bonded to Asp746. It was proposed that mutationof either arginine residue would disrupt the corresponding H-bond. Loss of any one of these H-bondsdue to the mutations might change the conformation of the kinase domain in a way that affects theenzymatic activity. An equally likely possibility is that the weakening of the ABD/iSH2 interaction willchange the orientation of the iSH2 so that the nSH2 will be dislodged, relieving inhibition
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