Once I was confident about my knowledge, I successfully scoured for clients on freelancing platforms — and I didn’t stop there. I knew I needed a well-paying client that would employ me for an indefinite amount of time. I got testimonials from my previous corporate clients and talked to everyone I knew. Within weeks, a Swedish online branded merchandise company hired me as their marketing manager to promote their brand across the US, UK and Japan; ensure the quality of their product listings; and come up with new product ideas, among other tasks.
Through this, I ensured a steady cash flow for the first year.
Practicing responsible elephant tourism in Chiang-Mai, Thailand (Credit: Credit: Aileen Adalid)
Practicing responsible elephant tourism in Chiang-Mai, Thailand (Credit: Aileen Adalid)
Have a long-term plan
Worried about my Philippine passport, I started off by visiting visa-free destinations. Thailand and Hong Kong were my favourites, due to their dynamic culture and the complex flavours of their local dishes.
By the time I decided to visit Europe, I figured out how to more easily get a visa while travelling on a developing-world passport. I kept records of my recent earnings, savings and tax documents to prove financial solvency. And I used proof of my previous and future travels to establish that I wouldn’t be at risk to overstay in the country.
After 12 months, I launched my travel blog, iAmAileen.com, to share my adventures and to garner opportunities through partnerships with tourism boards and travel brands. In exchange for online exposure and promotions, I was invited to all-expense-paid trips or at times, given remuneration.