schools are often very traditional, using methods that have hardly changed in hundreds of years.Soon everything will change.In the future, students will use computers more and more.Instead of juts trying to remember lot of facts,many of them useless, children will choose what they want to study,and then their teachers will show them how to use computers to learn certain skills and to help themselves think clearly. Using modern technology,they will become more confident. When they leave school.they will be able to think for-and work by-themselves,so they will have better lives.
Dalton school in the US is already using these new ideas.For example,student there learn about life in the past and enjoy themselves at the same time with a special computer game called "Archaeotype" Tey can see a simulated site on their screens where they control digging and compete to find objects like those used by the ancient Assyrian people.After the game,they use their computers to find information about the Assyrians.Then they write reports on what they found and what the site might have been-a temple perhaps,or a place where a battle was fought.
The schools of the future are coming soon,offering new challenges and learning opportunities to the new generation.