From ordering to the refrigerated trucks, it was found that in the ranking is not all the way to decrease the wait time down, but there are several ways that you can reduce the wait time. In order to check the cargo in the image summary, Monday 5 and 6, respectively, of the current First Come First Served method is the use of the wait time in queue is an average cargo 317 hours 25 minutes and when the Earliest Due Date method, returning to take a lead over the former ranking (First Come First Served). 26% that other methods can reduce the wait time has the following Critical Ratio reduces the wait time. 12% reduction in wait time Priority Queuing. Shortest Processing Time 22% reduction in wait time. Longest Processing Time decreased 24% lead. Weighted Fair Queuing and 12% reduction in wait time. 24% on Monday, ordering the most effective is the Shortest Processing Time ranking Weighted Fair Queuing and Priority Queuing,