Hello, how are you today?
UK born and residing but not overwhelmingly deriding.
Come have a cup of tea and don't step on the corgis.
I like to read. I'm pretty voracious when it comes to books, largely non fiction as I don't tend to enjoy novels.
I am pretty easy going, so even if we don't agree on anything at all I will probably have no problem with it... Maybe.
If you draw, paint, sculpt, 3D model etc, or are interested in roleplay / roleplaying then I definitely want to hear from you.
Sometimes I'm slow to reply, if I forget please just remind me. I have a terrible memory. Don't always count on me to message you first, I'll likely bookmark you and forget to do it.
People to talk to, once, infrequently, frequently, friends, and so on.
Particularly interested in people from the Middle East/Africa, South America and Europe. Though everyone is welcome, even fellow Brits.
Talking to older people is nice, so don't be put off if you're older than me.
I become infatuated with languages and the history of them easily, as such I've acquired a list of them that interest me and may consider learning someday, though maybe I won't. I'm not currently learning any of these and they largely remain a curiosity.