The marketing researcher might even ask, “Why does the Internet connection have to be priced
at $25 as opposed to $15, $35, or some other price? Why does American have to break even on the
cost of the service, especially if it attracts new customers?” Another relevant question to ask is,
“How important is it to be first in the market, and how long can the company sustain its lead?”
The marketing manager and marketing researcher agreed to define the problem as follows: “Will
offering an in-flight Internet service create enough incremental preference and profit for American
Airlines to justify its cost against other possible investments in service enhancements American
might make?” To help in designing the research, management should first spell out the decisions it
might face and then work backward. Suppose management outlines these decisions: (1) Should
American offer an Internet connection? (2) If so, should we offer the service to first-class only, or