et al. (2008) investigated the correlation between customer value
and satisfaction in the timeshare industry. Moreover, Spark et al.
(2008) and Jensen and Hansen (2007) mentioned that future
studies would empirically study the ‘‘relationship between
customer value and satisfaction and related dimensions of
customer value after customers receive service from food and
tourism products.’’ Research in pre-factors affecting customer
value and satisfaction therefore remains inadequate.
Consequently, this work stressed the design of service encounter
factors in the restaurant business and the relationship between
customer service encounters and satisfaction. Overall, exactly how
antecedents, experiential value and customer satisfaction are
related to the dining service environments is of priority concern.
This study has the following objectives. After examining the
associations between service encounter elements, experiential
value and customer satisfaction, an overall concept and framework
were proposed to examine these relationships. Four- and five-star
hotel restaurants in Taiwan were then sampled due to their high
quality service and excellent atmosphere as well as their high
prioritization of meeting customer needs. Finally, a linear
structural model was performed to examine how these variables
are related and, hopefully, to help scholars and practitioners
understand how to design profitable restaurants that successfully
attract and satisfy consumers.