As a child Eisenman attended Columbia High School located in Maplewood, New Jersey.He discovered architecture as an undergraduate at Cornell University where he received aBachelor of Architecture Degree. He went on to complete his Master of ArchitectureDegree from Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning andPreservation. Furthermore he completed his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the Universityof Cambridge. Later in 2007 he received an honorary degree from Syracuse UniversitySchool of Architecture. Eisenman currently teaches theory seminars and an advanceddesign studios at the Yale School of Architecture.
Eisenman first rose to prominence as a member of the New York Five (Eisenman,Charles Gwathmey, John Hejduk, Richard Meier, and Michael Graves). These architects'worked at a time that was often considered to be a reworking of the ideas of LeCorbusier. Subsequently, the five architects each developed unique styles and ideologieswith Eisenman becoming more affiliated with the Deconstructivists movement.He always had strong cultural relationships with European intellectuals like his mentorColin Rowe and the Italian historian Manfredo Tafuri. Furthermore, the work of philosopher Jacques Derrida , who was a close friend, had a key influence in hisarchitecture