Android smartphone owners angered & insulted by DTAC ad showing people embarrassed & ashamed for not owning iPhone. DTAC stops showing ad. The ad shows people using some features of their iPhones. Other people watch in awe and then try to hide their non-iPhone handsets. The ad concluded by saying: “It's time for you to change your handsets to iPhones”. DTAC's clip of the ad on YouTube got 1,250 dislikes and 58,000 views as of Sunday night, according to Gimme, a poster at Driodsans, a website for mobile phone users, who captured some screenshots of the clip in his post. “The ad not only disgusts users of smartphones on other platforms. Some iPhone users I know also felt bad about it as it promotes materialism and encourages people tojudge others by their accessories,” he wrote. On Monday afternoon, DTAC issued a statement, apologising about the ad. “We appreciate every comment and criticism. To show our sincerity, we decided to pull the ad off the air,” it said...