Soil samples were taken weekly from each experiment for a heterotrophic bacterial count. Isolation was performed weekly by direct plate counting in plate count agar by spreading 0.1 mL of the diluted soil sample over an agar plate. Serial dilutions of soil were prepared in a PBS buffer. After incubation at 35°C for 2 days, bacterial strains were isolated from colonies formed on the plates. Soil microbial counts were determined by the plate count method for viable cells on agar plates that contained purified plate count agar. Catalase activity was determined by adding a fragment of a purified colony to hydrogen peroxide and observing the presence (catalase (+)) or absence of bubbles (catalase (−)). A citrate test was performed by sub-culturing purified colonies in Simmons citrate agar (Difco Laboratories,NJ, USA). After incubation at 37°C for 12 hr, color change from green to blue was observed (citrate (+)). Coagulase was tested using the tube test, inoculating the purified colony in rabbit plasma to verify its coagulation. An oxidase test was performed using an oxidase reagent. A fragment of the colony was placed over the oxidase reagent and color change (purple) was verified (oxidase (+)) (Vasanthakumari, 2009).