Many efforts have been made and papers have been published
proposing the different and improved designs of the automatic
meter reading system and still the research is going on
continuously. So, a new system is proposed which is very
efficient, errorless, high coverage and cost effective. The
system can monitor the meter readings regularly without the
person visiting each house every time. The readings are sent to
the centralised located ARM microcontroller based station
through RF link. This central station collects readings from all
the houses of the same premises on regular basis. A GSM
based wireless communication module is incorporated with
ARM to have remote access over the usage of electricity.
There is a PC with a GSM receiver at the web server end,
which contains the database acts as the billing point which
generates the bill at end of the month.
The key features of the proposed system are
Automatic cost effective wireless system.
ii. Applicable to both prepaid and post-paid meters.
iii. Activation & deactivation controlling from server.
iv. Bill distribution and payment via SMS.
v. Detection of door tampering.