Solid waste is an unwanted byproduct of modern civilization. Land fills are the most common
means of solid waste disposal. But, the increasing amount of solid waste is rapidly filling
existing land fills, and new sites are difficult to establish. Alternatives to land fills include the
use of source reduction, recycling, composting and incineration, as well as use of land fills.
Incineration is most economical if it includes energy recovery from the waste. Energy can be
recovered directly from waste by incineration or the waste can be processed to produce
storable refuse derived fuel (RDF). Information on the composition of solid wastes is
important in evaluating alternative equipment needs, systems, management programs and
plans. Household surveys are done in six divisions of Eluru Municipal Corporation, A.P,
India and percapita
waste for the corporation is estimated. Pulverization of municipal solid
waste is done and the pulverized solid waste is dressed to form a bed and the bed is fed by
vermi’s which converts the bed into vermi compost. The obtained vermi compost is sent to
recognized lab for estimating the major nutrients i.e., Potassium (K), Phosphorous (P),
Nitrogen (N) and Micronutrient
values. It is estimated that 59 – 65 tons of wet waste is
generated in Eluru per day and if this wet waste is converted to quality compost 12.30 tons
of vermi compost can be generated. If Municipal Corporation of Eluru(MCE) manages this
wet waste an income of over rupees 0.89 crores per anum can be earned by MCE which is a
considerable amount for providing of better services to public.
Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste (MSW),Vermi Compost , landfill, garbage, Municipal
Corporation Of Eluru (MCE).