Effect of emulsifiers on cakes containing MD Further studies using emulsifiers were done only in cakes containing 80% less fat and 10% MD. Two emulsifiers were selected based on their relatively wide differences in HLB values, SSL being more hydrophilicinnaturewithanHLBvalueof10–12and GMS more lypophilic with an HLB value of 3–4.18 The results showed that the presence of GMS (0.5%) increased the volume of cake from 900mL to 950mL (Fig. 9). On the other hand, SSL (0.5%) decreased the volume of cake to 840mL. It is explained that hydrophilic emulsions promote uniform dispersion of fat, with entrapped air cells, thereby providing many sites for the water vapour to expand during baking.19 Sobczynska and Setser3 reported that, in their experiments, sucrose esters with an HLB value of 16 significantly improved the volume index of cakes containing no fat. As discussed earlier, in the absence of normal fat content in the formulation both GMS and SSL decreased the cake batter viscosity, the former to a greater extent than latter. On the contrary, GMS had a better effect on cake volume while SSL did not have any. Sobczynska and Setser3 found an improvement in cake volume with fat replaced with a combination of MD and GMS. However, the amount of GMS that was used in these experiments was much higher than that used in our experiments. Sobczynska and Setser3 explain the reason for improvement seen in the batter containing GMS as the formation of an amylose–emulsifier complex that increases the starch gelatinization temperature and increases the time for leavening gases to be produced to expand the aerated cells in the batter and thus increase the volume. Measurement of cake texture showed that there was a significant improvement in cake texture with the addition of GMS (Fig. 9). On the other hand, SSL didnotimprovethecaketexture.Improvementseenin the sensory parameters of cakes when 0.5% emulsifier was included in the formulation is shown in Table 4. It is seen here that because of the increase in cake volume there was an improvement in its crust colour