It is important to note that the Jiangsu coastal management
practice was different from the modern ideas and methods for the
purpose of the sustainable development. In the historical periods,
the traditional coastal management practice was a top-down and
vertical management pattern under the autocratic regimes, and
aim to monopoly of coastal resources, rather than the coordination
of different land use ways and the contradiction between the
stakeholders. The patternwas also lack of change, often easily cause
long-term deformity of the coastal social-economic structure.
Further, the coastal management is a modern concept, armed with
scientific principles. However, in the traditional periods, the coastal
management had its own characteristics, mainly associated with
monopoly and authoritarian. Such a management method represents
an old stage of idea development, and lessons can be learned
from these historical periods. Thus, although therewere differences
compared with the present-day coastal management, but it was