I switched colleges and cities my junior year, and I literally didn't know a single person at my new school so I had to move in with random Craigslist people who also happened to be students. They seemed totally cool at first, but my food and makeup started disappearing, and I would see pictures of them in my clothes on social media. Whenever I tried to confront them about it, they would act like I was crazy and then be friendly and respectful for a few days (psychological warfare!). Eventually, I installed a lock on my door and it made them super angry. They started slipping mean notes under the door when I was asleep, and leaving me messages about how I should just move out. It was super traumatizing. Eventually, I found another living situation, but the day I was moving my things I had to call a group of guy friends to come stand watch because my two roommates were berating me while I packed (this was, by the way, just a couple nights after I had accompanied one of them to the emergency room when she slipped on the ice, drunk). I still have never been back to the block where we lived together.