Figure 12 shows the resulting standard deviation as a function of signal and background intensity
for a single PMD pixel with disabled SBI. The overlaid saturation boundaries indicate the
achieved dynamic range, limited by saturation of integration capacitors. In contrast , Figure 13
shows the increased dynamic range with enabled SBI circuitry. The dynamic range of a typical
pixel can be increased by a factor of 300 - that is, 50dB. Since quality of SBI performance may
vary from pixel to pixel due to technical fabrication tolerances , each single pixel may deliver a
slightly different dynamic range. Please note, that there are always pixels in the array with far
higher SBI performance (factor 1000 and even more). Therefore, in order to yield a more complete
result, measurement should be extended from single pixel characterisation to parallel
characterisation of all pixels of a PMD array with SBI circuitry .