As computational capabilities continuously improve and sensing devices shrink in
size, the use of technology is enabling monitoring many aspects of individuals’ life,
from day to day activities up to various physiological parameters. The technology
provides more objective and precise insight into domains that are difficult or even
impossible to be monitored by a human observer. This affords acquiring new
theoretical knowledge in various sciences such as medicine, sociology, psychology
and psychiatry. A number of examples of using technology to measure new sociomedical
phenomena can be found in the literature including Hasler et al. [26] that
used automatic sound analysis to detect sinusoidal 24h rhythms in activities
associated with positive affects. Using data from various sensors, Olguin et al. [39]
measured and modeled organizational behavior at the individual and group levels.
Fishbah et al. [40] employed the social badge, developed by MIT lab, to analyse
informal social networks in companies aiming to increase employees’ productivity.
RFID-based indoor localization system enabled Kearns et al. [41] to correlate the
As computational capabilities continuously improve and sensing devices shrink insize, the use of technology is enabling monitoring many aspects of individuals’ life,from day to day activities up to various physiological parameters. The technologyprovides more objective and precise insight into domains that are difficult or evenimpossible to be monitored by a human observer. This affords acquiring newtheoretical knowledge in various sciences such as medicine, sociology, psychologyand psychiatry. A number of examples of using technology to measure new sociomedicalphenomena can be found in the literature including Hasler et al. [26] thatused automatic sound analysis to detect sinusoidal 24h rhythms in activitiesassociated with positive affects. Using data from various sensors, Olguin et al. [39]measured and modeled organizational behavior at the individual and group levels.Fishbah et al. [40] employed the social badge, developed by MIT lab, to analyseinformal social networks in companies aiming to increase employees’ productivity.RFID-based indoor localization system enabled Kearns et al. [41] to correlate the
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