1 summarises the purposes for which mobile phone users use their phones. It shows the mean response to 5-point Likert style questions regarding the frequency of access to specific items via a mobile phone, such as ‘I frequently access the Internet on mymobile phone’. The line graph shows the mean values across all users, whilst the bars differentiate between the frequency of a spe-cific activity for feature phone and smart phone users, respectively.Overall, Fig. 1 shows that both feature phone users and smart phoneusers use their mobile phones for a range of activities, with Inter-net access, email access, and social networking being particularlyfrequent. However, smartphone users tend to score 4 or more onall of the questions asked in this section, whereas scores for featurephone users are considerably lower in respect of all of the identifieduses. This suggests that once consumers have access to smartphonetechnology they become more reliant on using their smartphone forall of the different functions.