There are 4 steps to prepare for the water disasters. First, we must to follow the news
on radio and television. In order to have time to move belongings or prepare food and medicine to
survive, including the storage of valuables and appliances out of the area water is coming up.
Second, we should to beware of poisonous animals in the water such as snakes or centipedes. If an
animal has a poisonous bite may be difficult to maintain, so we should take care of themselves while
flooding. Next, we should to be flee to higher ground and off the circuit breaker to protect against electric
shock before flooding because it is necessary and very dangerous if we neglect of this. Finally, if you
can not ensure the safety of themselves we should to prepare communications equipment Backup battery
charger to call for help from rescuers. Also, if you need help, you should seek help from an agency that
specializes in this field directly to the safety of yourself.