Colors from nature.
Natural pigments derived from plants: the roots, barks, flowers, seed the naughty early results that each type of tree, a different tone depending on the properties of plants which are quoted as examples as part. Is as follows:
-Red derived from root, yo. Naughty Fang khrang anchor bark
-Indigo blue was.
-Yellow from turmeric mulberry trees, jackfruit, naughty Marigold flower.
-Color light from pomegranate Peel effect Tong early Indigo the handle place the peel and effects.
Powdered turmeric leaves and vibhishana anchor a pineapple leaf light cache.
-Black result maklua Effects from the effects and small enclosures
-Orange from the root bark and flowers by kannika (an orange bulb).
-Yellow-orange is derived from safflower.
-Brown from the ball, WA
-Pink from the beginning of the Fang
-Brown from mangrove bark bark mangosteen
-Green it from shell early wooden handle drop anchor bark orders Myeik, Burma.