64201 (HD-3502) MultiMix Magic (MISHARK 64)
TOR “MultiMix Magic” update:
Warning: when you update the software console will destroy all data that is in memory of the console. Please, if possible, keep a copy of data on external media.
The work program has been tested with Windows XP.
1. Download and unzip FRM_v1.3.0.6_297V3.zip
2. Download and unzip the firmware file (usually file 1.img)
3. Open / run the file FRM-v1.3.0.6_297V.exe
4. Remove the battery from your game console
5. Before connecting the USB cable, press and hold "X".
6. When a running program PMP8000FRM Pro v1.3.0.6 window Dev0 change icon color USB from gray to blue and changed the inscription «Not Connected» on an inscription «Connected» release the "X".
7. Select the type of memory in the window «Dram type»: 0_HYNX, 1_SAMSUNG. Otherwise, later in the programming may receive an error message.
8. In the window «Boot code», select the file «Images_RedBoot_201000427.img», which should be in the directory from which the program was launched «FRM-v1.3.0.6_297V.exe».
9. In the «Resource + Binary file» select the firmware file (usually file 1.img). If the firmware update obtained separately, it is recommended to place the firmware file in the same directory as the running program «FRM-v1.3.0.6_297V.exe».
10. Press «ISP».
11. If successful, the beginning of the process in the window «Dev0» appears «Writing Rom» and the blue progress bar process.
12. After the upgrade is complete, disconnect the USB cable.
Warning: The first launch of the console after the upgrade may be longer than usual, that's fine.