B. Multi-tenancy and customization in mobile data service
(a) Multi-tenancy
As pointed out by [1], multi-tenancy is one of key
characteristics of mobile cloud computing and mobile SaaS.
This requires the support of multi-tenanted mobile data
services. There are three basic challenges and needs to address
this demand.
- How develop well-defined data-oriented multi-tenancy
models to represent the multi-tenanted datasets and access
and service behaviors?
- How to define and support well-defined tenant-based data
service policies and control mechanisms?
- How to design and develop multi-tenanted mobile data
services for next generation mobile data-as-a-service
applications and DB technologies?
(b) Tenant scalability
Handling large amount of tenants/users effectively is
critical for mobile cloud databases. Besides, there are many
factors that could affect the tenant scalability of mobile cloud
databases, for example, multi-tenancy architecture, resource