In 2001, nurses and physicians
in UMMC’s Shock/Trauma Center
(STC) expressed concern about
the interval between medication
ordering and medication receipt.
Observation showed incremental
improvement opportunities at every
phase of the medication-use process.the best opportunity for improvement
appeared to be the interval
between dose checking and dose
delivery. The STC lacked a pneumatic
tube system, and the prime
delivery modality was via pharmacy
technicians. If a technician was unavailable,
the medication remained
in the pharmacy. Pharmacy leadership
viewed robotic delivery as an
immediate and decisive way of making
a noticeable and demonstrable
impact in cycle time. After the
physical modifications were made,
the monthly operating expense was
viewed as affordable and minimal
compared with the expected impact.
Reduction of medication delivery
time was the motivating factor and
the primary goal. If the pharmacy
could deliver medications more
quickly, then patients could receive
them in a more timely manner. bservation also showed that