At some point in their lives, virtually everyone will experience stressful events or situations that overwhelm their natural coping mechanisms. In one poll, 89% of respondents indicated that they had experienced serious stress in their lives. Some people are simply biologically prone to stress. Many outside factors influence susceptibility as well.
Conditions Most Likely To Produce Stress-Related Health Problems. Conditions that are most likely to be associated with stress and negative physical effects include the following:
An accumulation of persistent stressful situations, particularly those that a person cannot easily control (for example, a high-pressure job plus an unhappy relationship)
Persistent stress after a severe acute response to a traumatic event (such as an automobile accident)
Acute stress accompanying a serious illness, such as heart disease
Factors That Influence the Response to Stress. People respond to stress differently, depending on different factors:
Early nurturing: People who were abused in childhood may have long-term abnormalities in the hypothalamus-pituitary system, which regulates stress.
Personality traits: Certain people have personality traits that cause them to over-respond to stressful events. For example, those who are neurotic may get stressed more easily and turn to dangerous behaviors such as smoking and heavy drinking as a result. Being more outgoing and aware of the world may improve a person's response to stress by lowering levels of stress-related inflammatory hormones.
Genetic factors: Some people have genetic factors that affect stress, such as having a more or less efficient relaxation response.
Immune regulated diseases: Certain diseases that are associated with immune abnormalities (such as rheumatoid arthritis or eczema) may weaken the response to stress.
The length and quality of stressors: The longer the duration and the more intense the stressors, the more harmful the effects.
Individuals at Higher Risk for Stress. Studies indicate that the following people are more vulnerable than others to the effects of stress:
Older adults: As people age, achieving a relaxation response after a stressful event becomes more difficult. Aging may simply wear out the systems in the brain that respond to stress, so that they become inefficient. The elderly, too, are very often exposed to major stressors such as medical problems, the loss of a spouse and friends, a change in a living situation, and financial worries. No one is immune to stress, however.
Women in general and working mothers specifically: Working mothers, regardless of whether they are married or single, face higher stress levels and possibly adverse health effects, most likely because they bear a greater and more diffuse work load than men or other women. This effect has been observed in women in the U.S. and in Europe. Such stress may also have a harmful effect on their children. It is not clear, however, whether stress has the same adverse effects on women's hearts as it does on men's.
Less educated individuals.
Divorced or widowed individuals: Numerous studies indicate that unmarried people generally do not live as long as their married contemporaries.
Anyone experiencing financial strain, particularly the long-term unemployed and those without health insurance.
People who are isolated or lonely.
People who are targets of racial or sexual discrimination.
People who live in cities.