Another difficulty is the time difference. Now, you may be working in the same office with individuals that come from other cultures, in which case this is a moot point. But if your interactions consist of phone calls and video conferencing at times when one party is normally sleeping it could present a host of problems. The only thing you can really do about this is to come prepared. Since you may be taking these meetings at home during off hours, plan ahead to make sure you have access to all the information you might need.
Now that you’ve dealt with some of the major headaches of inter-cultural communication, it’s time to start enjoying the many benefits of working with people from other cultures. For starters, interactions with people from different backgrounds will open up your world view and give you ideas that will make you a better employee and a better person. It will also allow you the opportunity to network, as well as the potential to see new places, experience new cultures, and make lifelong friends in other countries. In short, it will change the way you interface not only with other people, but with the world at large.