This study should be interpreted with an understanding of
the limitations in its methodology. First, our estimates of
herbal medicine use represent a point prevalence: the percentage
of individuals who used herbal medications in the 2
weeks prior to the interview. This method would underestimate
those who used herbal medications on an as-needed
basis for medical conditions such as an upper respiratory infection
or upset stomach. Because the methodology selected
for chronic users of herbal medications, it is not unexpected
that herbal use correlated with the presence of several
chronic medical conditions. Second, although we found associations
between the use of herbal medicines and certain
medical conditions, we did not ask the subjects for the specific
reasons why they were taking a particular herbal medicine.
Finally, we did not determine how the subjects came
to be using a particular herbal medication; for example,
whether it was prescribed by a practitioner or recommended
by a family member or friend.