U – Stamp (ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code follow ASME Sec.VIII )
- Unfilled Pressure Vessel
Scope of Work: Manufacture of pressure vessel at the above location and field sited controller by the above location (This authorization does note cover impregnated graphite)
S – Stamp (ASME Power Boiler Code Follow ASME Sec.I )
- Power Boiler.
Scope of Work: Manufacture and assembly power boilers at the above location and field site controller by the above location.
R – Stamp (National Board)
- Repairs and / or Alteration.
Scope of Work: Matallic repairs and / or alteration at the above location extended for filed repairs and / or Alteration controller by this location.
PP – Stamp (ASME Power Piping Code Follow ASME Sec.I)
- Power Piping
Scope of Work: Fabrication and assembly pressure piping at the above location and filed sites controller by the above location.