Keep the remainder of the sample unit in a sterile container for compliance requirements as per section 702(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as amended through February, 1993. Refrigerate perishable samples and samples supporting microbial growth. An analytical control is required for each sample tested. The sampled lot is acceptable only if analyses of all composite units are negative for Salmonella. If one or more composite units are positive for Salmonella, the lot is rejected, provided that the analytical control is negative for Salmonella. A lot will not be resampled unless the environmental control for Salmonella is positive. For all samples positive for Salmonella, determine the somatic group. See Chapter 5 for information on further handling of these cultures. Recommendations for regulatory action may be based on the identification of the Salmonella somatic group and will not require definitive serotyping before initiation of regulatory action.