Factors influencing the extent of OVF by individual farm households
All 12 variables were included in the model step by step. Only
three variables, such as the amount of organic fertilizers producedby farmers themselves, bad perception of inorganic pesticides, and
length of experience in growing vegetables significantly explained
the model (Table 4). These three variables explained 81% of the
variation in the extent of the area under OVF which is quite high,
indicating a highly significant role of these variables in determining
the area under OVF. Among these variables, amount of organic
fertilizers produced by farmers themselves had the highest
explanatory power, explaining 35% of the variation. The variables
on bad perception of inorganic pesticides and length of experience
in growing vegetables came in as the second and the third important
variables explaining 49.2% and 14.7%, respectively, of the total
explained variation (Table 4).
The direction of the relationships between the significant
independent and dependent variables was found to be sensible.
The extent of the area under OVF increased with the increasing
amount of organic fertilizers produced by farmers themselves and
the length of experience in growing vegetables (Table 5). Likewise,
the farmers who consider that the use of inorganic pesticides is
harmful for human health cultivate a larger area for organic vegetables,
which is quite a logical behavior.