Dangerous goods logistics is a particular
component in supply chain management as a special commodity
logistics. Compared to common logistics supply, the logistics of
dangerous goods need more comprehensive, accurate and
reliable information management and control. In face of the
current situation, the paper proposed a sort of technical
solution named Real-time Monitoring System for Dangerous
Goods Transportation Based on Beidou Navigation Satellite
System(BDS). It included three modules to achieve the purpose
of monitoring the position of the vehicles transporting
dangerous goods. The three modules are the BDS positioning
module, the wireless module with a controller and the
information storing, processing and displaying module. The
positioning module and the wireless module fixed on the
transport vehicle can get and deliver the locating information to
the information storing, processing, displaying module of the
supervision center in real time. The system is expected to use
information technology to create a secure dangerous goods
logistic monitoring system and to help solving practical
problems in dangerous goods regulatory at last.
Dangerous goods logistics is a particularcomponent in supply chain management as a special commoditylogistics. Compared to common logistics supply, the logistics ofdangerous goods need more comprehensive, accurate andreliable information management and control. In face of thecurrent situation, the paper proposed a sort of technicalsolution named Real-time Monitoring System for DangerousGoods Transportation Based on Beidou Navigation SatelliteSystem(BDS). It included three modules to achieve the purposeof monitoring the position of the vehicles transportingdangerous goods. The three modules are the BDS positioningmodule, the wireless module with a controller and theinformation storing, processing and displaying module. Thepositioning module and the wireless module fixed on thetransport vehicle can get and deliver the locating information tothe information storing, processing, displaying module of thesupervision center in real time. The system is expected to useinformation technology to create a secure dangerous goodslogistic monitoring system and to help solving practicalproblems in dangerous goods regulatory at last.
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