Slater and Narver (1995) defined organizational learning as the acquisition, interpretation, and dissemination of the organizational information contained within a firm’s culture. They also arqued that market orientation and organizational learning are inseparable.
Similarly, Hurley and Hult (1998) supported the association between market orientation and learning and added that learning is a cultural feature of the organization that deals with marketing and customer demands.
Vieira (2010) found that market orientation has a strong impact on organizational learning. Previously, a study by Min and Mentzer (2000) recognized the contribution of market orientation ti information sharing within the supply chain, which is considered part of practicing organizational learning. They also asserted that market orientation helps a firm learn from other firms. Therefore , we propose
Market orientation and supply chain management strategy
Juttner et al. (2010) and Mentzer and Stank (2008) Stated that supply chain strategies depend on a close interaction with in-company marketing and sales resources, processes, and skills.
Wisner (2003) used structural equation modeling to develop a theoretical framework for analyzing supplier management strategy involved identifying and participating in additional supply chains, establishing more frequent contact with supply chain members, creating compatible supply chain communication, and involving all supply chain members in the firm’s
Product/service marketing plans and in creating a greater lavel of trust throughout the supply chain. It was noted that supplier management and customer relationship strategies that are consistent with the organization’s market orientation have a positive impact on supply chain management stratrgy
Organizational learning that stems from supply chain relationships develops the partner’ capability to play their roles more efficiently
Green et al. (2006) also concluded that market orientation factors relate positively and significantly to supply chain management strategy. In their theoretical study on the role of marketing in supply chain management, Min and Mentzer (2000) argued that market orientation plays a fundamental role in implementing supply chain management. Recently, Karami, Ghasemi, Khan, and Hamid (2014) proposed that market orientation affects firms’ supply chain management strategies. Therefore, we propose