Salmonella Contamination in Hatchery
Salmonella contamination results from the hatchery are presented in Table 3. After the investigation of the hatchery, the results revealed that Salmonella contamination was the highest at 50.0% in samples from the second sampling time, which were collected before cleaning and disinfection. The samples from the first, third, fourth, and fifth sampling times, which were collected after cleaning and disinfection, had contamination levels that were 4.2 to 31.8% lower.Salmonella was primarily isolated from the hatcher rooms, chick counting room, and the related equipment and facilities but not from earlier processing rooms such as the egg receiving room, egg sorting room, setter rooms, and candling-transfer room.The Salmonella serotype isolated most frequently in the hatchery was Salmonella Senftenberg. Other occasional Salmonella serotypes included Salmonella Schwarzengrund, Salmonella Madelia, Salmonella Montevideo, and Salmonella Enteritidis. On only one occasion in the third sampling time, 2 Salmonella serotypes, Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Senftenberg, were detected in the store house for hatchery waste.