Enclosed revised invoice and statement.
The revised invoice are due to the following changes:
-for Invoice SPA14039, bank charge adjusted to 31 Eur (refer to my bank advise)
-for Invoice SPA14040, I take away the bank charge and reduce the shipping fee due to the error in weight.
Amount now: Eur 866.20 + 435.55 = Eur 1301.75
You paid : Eur 1360.75
Over paid : Eur 59.00
Less those amount you underpaid :
SPA13023 Eur 11
SPA13024 Eur 17.72
SPA13041 Eur 7.99
SPA13055 Eur 22.29 (underpdEur 43.04, less Eur22.29 still underpaid of Eur20.75)
Total: Eur 59
Please check and let me know if there is any discrepancy.
Your outstanding now is Euro 11,094.74.
For your next payment of those outstanding payment, please add a 31Eur as bank charge.
Feel free to feedback to me if you do not understand the statement.
Look forward to your earlier payment.