TARA: Hello, lara Luckman.
JENNY: Hello, Tara. This is Jenny Young from BK Plastics.
TARA: Hi, Jenny How are you?
JENNY: Fine, thanks, and you?
TARA: Very well What can do for you?
JENNY: We've got some new products which think you might be interested in
JENNY: Can I come and see you this week to show you what we've got?
TARA: Well, m pretty busy this week, but let me look at my diary OK
JENNY: Im free all day Wedneslay.
TARA: Sorry, Jenny, I'm interviewing all day Wednesday but I'm free all day
JENN: Ah, I'm tied up Thursday morning and have another appointment on Thursday afternoon.
TAHA: What about Friday? I'm out in the morning but I've got nothing in the afternoon
jenny : let me see I've got plans but I can cancel and I'm visiting another client morning so I could come straight to you in the afternoon, Is two o'clock
TARA: Two o'clock's fine.
IENNY: Great. OK see you on Friday then.
TARA: Thanks, Jenny. See you then JENNY Bye TARA