1. (Product Data)
1.1 Trade name: PP (LIGHT GRAY) Chemical Name: Polypropylene-Resin
1.2 Use: Part of injection or product concern
1.3 Max Quantity Storage -
1.4 Manufacture/Import Domestic and foreign country
Address Thailand
2. (Chemical Classification)
2.1 U.N. Number N/A 2.2 CAS No. N/A 2.3 Carcinogens N/A
3. (Hazardous Ingredients)
(Substances) 3.2
(Present) 3.3 Standard security
Polypropylene-polymer 80%
Stabilizer 0-1%
Filler 20%
4. (Hazardous Ingredients)
4.1 Boiling Point C N/A 4.2 Melting Point C 200±10 oC
4.3 Vapour Pressure Kpa N/A 4.4 Solubility in water N/A
4.5 Density 1.07 g/cm3 4.6 Evaporation rate N/A
4.7 Appearance color and odor GRAY 4.8 PH-value N/A