Benefits of PL Biochar Production The production of biochar from poultry litter offers many potential benefits to farmers—especially if that production occurs onsite. Specific benefits to the producer/farmer may include: Reduced heating fuel requirements due to excess heat from the biochar production process (pyrolysis or gasification); heat from the unit may be used directly onsite to heat bird houses and other production/processing facilities. Reduced cost to dispose of poultry litter (applicable in areas of highly concentrated poultry operations where nutrient overload is causing environmental hazards such as the Chesapeake Bay; see Covell et al 2011). Reduced nutrient run off from alternative uses such as direct land application. PL biochar, especially when mixed with compost prior to field application, can help retain nutrients in the soil which might otherwise be lost (Steiner et al, 2010). Potential to use the biochar onsite for increased crop productivity, and/or mixed with poultry litter compost to reduce nitrogen loss (Steiner et al, 2010). Potential for added income from selling biochar to a local market or a distributer. Currently some US poultry farmers are able to trade their poultry litter to those involved in pelletization for litter disposal services but do not earn any additional income.