Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel utilization and
wastewater treatment plant of sugar mill factories were estimated.
The data were collected by using questionnaires and recorded
documents from the sugar mills. The analysis included all emissions
from sugar milling; electricity utilization, bagasse combustion
and wastewater treatment plant (Fig. 2) The emission factor from
IPCC, 2006 and other sources were also used (Table 1).
Energy consumed in sugar mill processes consisted of both fossil
fuels and sugarcane waste product (bagasse). Emissions from fossil
fuel use were estimated by multiplying the amount of energy
consumed with the fossil fuel-specific emission factor (natural gas).
In case of bagasse use for electricity generation, CH4 and N2O
emissions were estimated (IPCC, 2006). For methane emissions
from wastewater, the estimate was based on the amount of total
organically degradable material in wastewater (kg COD y1),
following the methodology of IPCC.